Travel Enjoy Peru – Agencia de Viajes

Tour Lago Titicaca Los Uros - Taquile

Price per person



Lake Titicaca is the highest navigable lake in the world (3800 meters above sea level) in which you can enjoy Los Uros a group of floating totora islands, inhabited by indigenous people descended from one of the oldest cultures in America, whose main activity is fishing and hunting. After visiting Los Uros we will take a tour of Taquile Island located 30 km from the city of Puno. Island of great scenic and environmental value due to its special climate that favors greater vegetation in relation to the area. The inhabitants of this place, famous for their hospitality, still preserve their cultural patterns in their typical clothes and dances.


start of the tour: 07:00 A.M.

End of the tour: 17:30 P.M.


Seasand Resort
Sanse Hotel
Ociana Hotel
Reise Lodge

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