Travel Enjoy Peru – Agencia de Viajes

Andes route

Price per person



Discover the Andes route: Lima - Arequipa - Cusco - Ica 

A great adventure that you cannot miss, knowing the most incredible places in Peru.


Arrival in the City of Lima, reception and welcome. At the airport you will be attended by our staff, for the transfer from the airport to the assigned hotel

Accommodation Assigned hotel in Lima
Food includedNo one

In the morning arrival in the city of Arequipa, reception and welcome, at the airport, you will be assisted by our staff, for the transfer from the airport to the assigned Hotel.

City tour Arequipa - Mirador Yanahuara - Compañía de Jesús - Monastery of Santa Catalina. In the afternoon we start the tour from the hotel, and then head towards the viewpoints of Carmen Alto and Yanahuara. From these places we can appreciate the majestic city of Arequipa, panoramic views of the city and the Misti volcano. Then, we go to the Plaza de Armas, where we will receive explanations about the cathedral, the portals around it and the church of the Society of Jesus.

Finally we will move to the Santa Catalina monastery, a cloister from the colonial era that, over time, was transformed into a small town that gives us a very good idea of ​​what the buildings of the city of Arequipa were like in the seventeenth century.

We will finish our tour in the center of Arequipa where you can find the hotels.

Accommodation Assigned hotel in Arequipa

Food Included Breakfast

In the morning we leave from our hotel to start our trip to the fascinating Colca canyon, one of the deepest in the world, we will take the Yura road, bordering the Nevado Chachani towards Pampa Cañahuas (Aguada Blanca and Salinas National Reserve) natural habitat of South American camelids, such as vicuñas.

We will pass by an extinct volcano where you can see the crater of the volcano (Chucura). We will stop at the viewpoint of the volcanoes, which is also the highest area of ​​the road (4,800 m.a.s.l.) from where we will appreciate a large part of the western mountain range.

In the afternoon we will enjoy the thermal baths in La Calera (Optional).

Accommodation Assigned hotel in Arequipa

Food Included Desayuno, almuerzo, cena

In the morning we will go to the Cruz del Cóndor viewpoint, a strategic observation point, where we will be able to appreciate the spectacular flight of the condor. On the way back we will visit the towns of Pinchollo, Maca and Yanque; that have beautiful colonial churches, as well as in the viewpoints of Choquetico and Antahuilque, from where we will observe the impressive agricultural system of the Valley, which due to the geography of the area, cultivation terraces have been used since ancient times.

After Lunch we will start the route to the city of Puno

Accommodation Assigned hotel in Puno
Food includedBreakfast and Lunch

Tour Isla de los Uros – Taquile cultural.  Visit to the set of floating islands of Los Uros reed, inhabited by native inhabitants, descendants of one of the oldest cultures in America, whose main activity is fishing and hunting; They are also dedicated to the production of woolen tapestry fabrics, cattails and the stuffing of lake birds.

After the visit to the isla de los Uros we will make a tour along the isla de Tequile. Island of great scenic and environmental value due to its special climate that favors greater vegetation in relation to the area. The inhabitants of this place, famous for their hospitality, still preserve their cultural patterns in their typical clothes and dances., and also the elaboration of their crafts, finally we will return to the city of Puno.

Accommodation Assigned hotel in Puno

Food Included Breakfast and Lunch

Iniciamos nuestro recorrido disfrutando de los atractivos turísticos que ofrece la famosa «Ruta del sol». El viaje parte desde la ciudad de Puno dirigiéndose hasta la ciudad de CUSCO.

During our tour that lasts approximately 10 hours we will have 4 excursions and guided visits to the places of tourist interest in the southern corridor of the altiplano visiting the Aymara museum in Pukara, the Raya pass at 4335 meters above sea level. the Inca temple of Raqchi and finally the temple of Andahuaylillas or Sistine Chapel of America.

Each visit lasts from 20 to 40 minutes, where the passenger can ask questions, take photos and explore the attraction at their own discretion, making this experience an unforgettable activity.

Approximate time of arrival in the city of Cusco 5:00 p.m. to make the transfer to the hotel in Cusco

Accommodation Assigned hotel in Cusco
Food includedBreakfast and Lunch

CITY TOUR: At 1:00 p.m. we will begin our tour of the Plaza de Armas of Cusco, in which we will visit the Cathedral to admire its beautiful atriums and its invaluable paintings from the Cusco school.

A few streets away, we will find one of the most impressive buildings in Inca Cusco: the Qoricancha, a Temple dedicated to the worship of the Sun god, which, according to the stories, had entire walls covered with gold inside.

Very close to the city of Cusco, we will find the temple of Sacsayhuaman, a colossal building of huge stones carved and joined with precision, and finally we will visit Quenqo, which was an important mummification center in the time of the Incas

Accommodation Assigned hotel in Cusco
Food Included Breakfast

We start our Journey in Cusco, towards the sacred valley, visiting the textile center of Awana Cancha, where we can appreciate the South American camelids. A very interesting place where you will appreciate the difference between llamas, alpacas and vicuñas at the same time interacting with these beautiful animals.

Them we will go to the architectural complex of Pisac, which was a very important city Inca; we will visit the Pisac market and arrive to the Urubamba location to eat and finally we´ll visit the amazing archaeological complex of Ollantaytambo

The tour ends in the Ollantaytambo station, where we´ll take the train to the Aguas Calientes Village

Accommodation Assigned hotel in Aguas Calientes
Food Included Breakfast and Lunch

This day we will visit the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu. In the morning after a comfortable night at the Hotel del Pueblo de Aguas Calientes, we will take the bus that will take us to the entrance gate of the citadel of Machu Picchu.

Discovered for our time by Hiram Bingham more than a century ago, Machu Picchu is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

Its architectural beauty, its spectacular natural landscapes and the energy contained in its enigmatic constructions will take our breath away.

Let's follow in the footsteps of the ancient Incas on a tour of the magical citadel with our guide.

After this visit, we will descend to the town of Aguas Calientes for lunch, and the transfer to the Aguas Calientes station to board the return train to the city of Cusco.

Accommodation Assigned hotel in Cusco
Food Included Breakfast and Lunch

We start very early, heading to our first stop after three hours by car, to have breakfast, then we continue our journey until we reach the beginning of our walk, you will be surprised with a destination like no other.

The one day hike to the Rainbow Mountain. The Vinicunca mountain offers you a dreamlike landscape by having the seven colors of the rainbows stacked one on top of the other.

Like a multi-colored mantle or the reflection of the rainbow on the ground, Vinicunca stands up to be admired throughout the year. This destination is almost 5,000 meters high (16,400 feet) and a three-hour walk.

The radiant sun will accompany you during the route, as well as families of auquénidos such as llamas or alpacas, sheep, horses and the imposing landscape of mountains that will be the protagonists of your photographs.

Accommodation Assigned hotel in Cusco
Food Included Breakfast and Lunch

At the scheduled time, the transfer will take place from the Hotel in Cusco to the airport.

In the afternoon City Tour Lima, we will visit the main streets, squares and avenues of the city. We will start at the Parque del Amor in Miraflores, with a spectacular view of the Pacific Ocean. Then, we will have a panoramic view of the Huaca Pucllana, ceremonial center of Lima culture, we will continue to the Plaza de Armas, where we will find the Government Palace and the Municipal Palace.

We will visit the Cathedral and walk to the Santo Domingo Convent, whose corridors were passed by San Martín de Porras and Santa Rosa de Lima in the seventeenth century, later we will visit the Larco Museum. This museum exhibits the best and most complete collection of gold and silver from pre-Hispanic Peru in the world.

Accommodation Assigned hotel in Lima
Food Included Breakfast

Departure from our hotel in Lima. We will enjoy the Paracas National Reserve, we will arrive at our first stop which will be the dock of the tourist marina to pass the SERNAMP control and wait to board the sliders heading to the Ballestas Islands, we will sail with the sea breeze over us until we arrive to the islands and surround ourselves with the abundant marine life, such as large colonies of guano birds, Humboldt penguins, the friendly sea lions, dolphins, guanayes, boobies.

After visiting Paracas, we will travel to Ica for an average of 1 hour until we reach the "El Catador" winery, here we will have our lunch and visit the winery where we will have an exquisite tasting of the different varieties of wines and piscos in the area

Then we will continue to the Huacachina Oasis where we will climb the tubulars (buggies), we will also slide with the sandboard (sliding on boards) from the top, finally we will return to the city of Lima.

Accommodation Assigned hotel in Lima
Food Included Breakfast and Lunch

At the scheduled time, the transfer will take place from the Hotel in Lima to the airport.

Accommodation No one
Food Included Breakfast


Seasand Resort
Sanse Hotel
Ociana Hotel
Reise Lodge

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